Did you know that Rezzil can be beneficial in a physiotherapy and rehab setting? As the world’s leading AI-driven AR/VR sports trainer for rehabilitation and recovery, our software provides athletes with a series of progressively challenging exercises. Each of these integrate neurocognitive and complex multidirectional movements in an engaging and sport-specific environment.
Why choose Rezzil for Rehabilitation
- Engaging players with sport-specific activity
- Multi-control motor re-learning
- Enhancing ‘return to play’
- Supporting neurocognitive development
“Rezzil is fun and engaging. I used it as part of my rehabilitation for a long-term injury, and it allowed me to perform realistic, football-specific movements sooner.” Lewis Cook – Premier League Football Player
AFC Bournemouth, who Lewis plays for shared a YouTube documentary about his road to recovery after injuring his Anterior Cruciate Ligament for a second time in March 2021. The documentary tracks his progress over seven months, from within the hospital ward to the hard graft in the gym. Cameras captured his return up close and the success he went on to achieve as AFC Bournemouth won promotion to the Premier League in a fairy-tale ending.
In the ‘Lewis Cook: Relentless’ documentary, you’ll see Lewis at seven weeks post-operation. He’s confidently getting through his rehab, and on a recovery day, he’s trying out the Rezzil VR technology. The club knows that after an ACL injury, not only is there a physical injury, but impact on neurological capability too. So, it’s key to retrain perceptual and cognitive capacity and capabilities, but decision-making too. Which our technology can help with. You then see him training with his VR goggles on, and he’s forgetting about his knee completely – so any inhibitions he might have in protecting the knee, this kit is great for reducing those. Allowing his inhibitions to start feeling normal again, encouraging normal movement and football-specific movements.
As well as Lewis, Rezzil is used by many football teams and footballers, including Blackburn Football Club, Marcus Rashford when rehabbing from his shoulder injury with Manchester United, and Ricardo Pierra for Leicester City when he used it in training for recovery from his most recent injury.
Jonny King, first-team rehabilitation physiotherapist at Leicester City Football Club, shared: “Rezzil challenges the sensorimotor system by providing a highly immersive environment where visual training can be manipulated to assist or challenge movement and motor planning.”
It isn’t just used for football. Our software is used around the world to support a number of elite athletes. Here’s what York-Peter Klöppel, Head of Mental Performance at RedBull, had to say: “Rezzil is so fun and attractive to our athletes, even at the end of sessions, they still ask us to have another go at Rezzil. It’s a really great addition to our center, and we’re really glad we brought it in.”
For more information on what Rezzil can do for you, please contact [email protected]
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