When the Philadelphia Eagles lost to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers on Monday night in the Wild Card round, it felt certain that Jason Kelce wouldn’t be playing another game in the league. The way that he was taking it all in afterward and the fact that he’d previously spoken about thinking about it the past few seasons had everybody assuming. Apparently, it had reporters assuming as well.
One report after the game stated that Kelce had already told his teammates and coaches that he intended to retire during the offseason. However, that was completely refuted when Kelce released his New Heights Podcast episode with his brother Travis. He said, “You know Nick kind of gave me an opportunity to talk. I didn’t announce what I was doing on purpose, despite I guess what’s been leaked to the media. I just don’t think you’re in a position after a game like that to really make that decision, I just don’t. There’s too much emotion in the moment to really fully grasp that decision.”
It goes without question that when Kelce retires, he’s soon to be a Hall of Fame player. The center has gotten himself to the Pro Bowl seven times, has earned six first-team All-Pro spots, and eventually won a Super Bowl with the Eagles alongside Nick Foles. It could have been another had it not been for his brother Travis and the Kansas City Chiefs.
Kelce wrapped up what he was saying with this, “When it’s time to officially announce what’s happening in the future, it’ll be done in a way that’s definitive and pays respect to a lot of people and individuals that have meant a lot to me and has led to the career I’ve had. I don’t think it would be respectful or even accurate to be able to do that right after a game like that. But I did address the team and pretty much said the same thing I just said to you, which is ‘I got belief in every single one of you guys. Cherish the moments you have in this league.’”
If he does truly step away in the offseason, it will leave a massive hole in that Eagles offensive line. He seems to be a glue guy in the locker room and on that offensive line. He’s also a key cog in making the tush push so effective and why it’s been so much better in Philadelphia compared to when other teams decide to run it. His retirement would send a shockwave throughout the Eagles roster, and they already have enough problems to begin with after that first-round exit. With changes already expected for their coaching staff, and perhaps even their quarterback if Jalen Hurts can’t improve next season. All in all, Kelce will weigh his options and consider whether he is looking to get back into the sport again for another season.
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